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One step backwards, two steps forward

Posted: Mar 1st, 2010    |    Categories: Project Updates    |    « Back To Blog

As is the case with any complex endeavor, one anticipates and comes to expect the existence of adversity and unforeseen challenges. Last week, NuSol's Peru Solar 2010 project received it's first piece of discouraging news - the District of Shupluy, previously the location of our proposed installation, was slated to receive substantial government funding to be applied towards the distribution of grid power to the region. Although this is very good news for the region, it greatly impacts the viability of our project. After meeting with the governor of the District and discussing in detail the implications this funding would have, it was determined that the efforts of NuSol would be better applied at a different location.

   Dustin Welch of NuSol with Pablo Quiñones of Caritas

Despite this small setback NuSol is continuing to make headway in Peru. We have since made contact with the local branch of Cáritas of Huari, which works in a neighboring area that is more geographically isolated and impoverished than the previous region of Shupluy. We held a meeting with the Secretary General of Cáritas of Huari, Mr. Pablo Quiñones, on Wednesday and he is very excited to collaborate with NuSol on this project.

Among other places in the region, this branch of Cáritas works in all 52 communities of the District of Huacaybamba [within the Department of Huánuco]. Pablo Quiñones and Dustin Welch are scheduled to speak with the district’s governor next week to determine which of these communities may be most appropriate for our project.

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Red outline indicates Department of Huánuco, where the new proposed site is located. The department to the west is where previous site had been located.


Unlike the Department of Ancash, where our first potential site was located, the Department of Huánuco collects only nominal amounts of royalties from international mining companies. Thus, regional government funds to finance rural electrification projects are scarce and for the most part non-existent. The need for outside assistance in the region is great and NuSol looks forward to lending a hand.

For more information on the NuSol Peru Solar 2010 project, please navigate to the Projects section of our website. And of course, our success relies heavily on contributions made by individuals like you. Make a donation today and help our cause.

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